Journal Editorial Board

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Journal Editorial Board

The editorial Board Chairman of the journal "Machine drives and parts" is doctor of technical sciences, professor Gennady A. TIMOFEEV.

He was born in 1944 in the city of Nalchik of the Kabardino-Balkar ASSR. He graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University on specialty "Caterpillar and wheel cars" in 1969. He defended his candidate dissertation in 1976,  his doctor dissertation in 1997. He was awarded the academic title of Professor in the same year. He is working in BMSTU since 1969 as an engineer, senior engineer, junior researcher, associate professor and professor. He is the head of the department "Theory of mechanisms and machines" since 2007. He is head of Scientific-educational complex "Robotics and complex mechanization" of the University since 2010, the member of dissertation scientific councils in BMSTU and Institute of Machine Science named after A.A. Blagonravov, RAS.

Main directions of his scientific and engineering activity are: engineering and automated design of linkage, cam, gear, planetary and wave mechanisms for various machines, devices, test benches and devices, research, development and creation of the planetary wave and of the mechanisms for high-precision tracking systems.

He has more than 200 scientific works, including 3 textbooks, is repeatedly republished in publishing houses “Higher school”, “Yurait” and BMSTU. He is co-author of 8 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, the Honored worker of Higher school in the field of education and Laureate of the Government prize of the Russian Federation.


The Editorial Board


Sergey B. BEREZHNOY, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Kuban State Technical University.Professor of department "Technical mechanics". Dean of the faculty of mechanical engineering and car repair.


Viktor M. BOZROV, Cand.Tech.Sci.

Institute of Machine Science named after A.A. Blagonravov, RAS. Scientific Secretary


Anton V. VAVILOV, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Belarusian national technical University. Head of the Department "Construction and road machines"


Otto V. GRIGOROV, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

National technical University, Kharkov, Ukraine. Head of the Department "Handling machinery and equipment"


Aleksandr M. GUSKOV, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Professor of "Applied Mechanics". NRC "Kurchatov Institute". Head of Department of robotics


Nikolay I. IVASHKOV, Cand.Tech.Sci.

NPP Podyemtransservis. General director. Editor-in-chief of journals “Lift and transportation engineering” and “Machine drives and parts”


Viktor F. KOVALSKY, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. Head of Department "Track, construction machines and robotic systems"


Aleksandr D. KOSTROMIN, Cand.Tech.Sci.

NPP "Electric vehicles", Bendery, Moldova. General Director


Aleksandr V. LAGEREV, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Bryansk State University. Deputy Director, research Institute of fundamental and applied research


Vladimir A. MALASHCHENKO, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Ukraine. Head of department "Machine Parts"


Yury G. MATVIENKO, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Institute of Machine Science named after A.A. Blagonravov, RAS. Deputy Director on scientific work


Sergey Y. MISYURIN, Dr.Phys.-Math.Sci.

Institute of Machine Science named after A.A. Blagonravov, RAS. Deputy Director on scientific work


Oleg I. OSIPOV, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

National research University (NRU MEI). Professor of Department "Automated electric drive"


Evgeny V. POPOV, Cand.Tech.Sci.

“Kranelectropribod”, Moscow. General Director


Andrey V. SMORGONSKY, Dr.Phys.-Math.Sci.

Battery company "Rigel", Moscow. Deputy General Director


Valery A. SUSHINSKY, Cand.Tech.Sci.

Engineer center «Stroymashavtomatizatsiya». Director

Gennady A. TIMOFEEV, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Head of Department "Theory of mechanisms and machines". Head of Faculty "RK"


Vadim R. KHRAMSHIN, Dr.Tech.Sci., Professor.

Nosov Magnitogorsk state technical University. Professor of electrical engineering systems

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