About editor-in-chief

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About editor-in-chief

Editor-in-chief of journals "Lift and transportation engineering" and "Machine drives and parts" is N. I. Ivashkov, Cand.Tech.Sci., General Director of NPP "Podyemtransservis" - the founder and publisher of both journals.

N.I. Ivashkov was born in Moscow in 1948, graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 1972, defended his candidate's dissertation in 1988, worked in VNIIPTMASH since 1972 to 2002 as designer, junior researcher, head of the Laboratory and the Department, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Since 1993 - General Director of NPP "Podemtransservis."

Since 1997 - member of the Scientific and Methodological Council of Federal UMO on transportation and transport-technological machines on the enlarged group of specialties and areas of training "Technique and technology of land transport." Chairman of the State Examination Commission (SEC) in the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering with a degree in "Land transport and technological tools" specialty "Hoisting, building, road facilities and equipment," a member of the HES in this specialty in the BMSTU.

Founder and President of the Inter-regional public organization "Handling scientific and technical society. Regional associations of specialists, ROSPTO, a part of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Organizations.

Main directions of scientific and engineering of N.I. Ivashkov include research of durability of handling machines parts; perfection of crane cable systems, increasing the service life of the hoisting ropes and cable systems components; study of the processes of braking mechanisms and the development of scientific bases of selection and application of the brake handling machines, increase the technical level of the brakes and drive their vehicles; ensuring effective operation and maintenance of industrial machines; technical regulation and standardization in the lifting and transport engineering; information activities in the field of lifting and transport equipment.

He has about 150 scientific papers and publications on lifting and transport issues, including in the book on the calculation of the crane components and parts, Dictionary of lifting and transport equipment, is a co-author of 20 inventions, helped develop state standards and industry regulatory documents on the selection, design and calculation of crane components.


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